September 15, 2006Luther's Mother Promoting Her Son's Album縲舌Ν繝シ繧オ繝シ豈崎ヲェ縺梧�ッ蟄舌�ョ譁ー菴懊r繝励Ο繝「繝シ繝医�� 繝ュ繝九�シ縲� 繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ�ス・繝エ繧。繝ウ繝峨Ο繧ケ縺ョ譛ェ逋コ陦ィ譖イ�シ呈峇繧貞性繧�繝吶せ繝茨ス・繧「繝ォ繝舌Β縲弱い繝ォ繝�繧」繝。繝シ繝医��縺梧律譛ャ縺ァ繧ゅΜ繝ェ繝シ繧ケ縺輔l繧九′縲√い繝。繝ェ繧ォ縺ァ縺ッ縺薙�ョ繧「繝ォ繝舌Β縺ョ繝励Ο繝「繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ縺ォ豈崎ヲェ縺ァ縺ゅk繝。繧「繝ェ繝シ�ス・繧「繧、繝��ス・繝エ繧。繝ウ繝峨Ο繧ケ縺悟ース蜉帙@縺ヲ縺�繧九�ゅい繝。繝ェ繧ォ縺ョ繝舌Ν繝�繧」繝「繧「�ス・繧オ繝ウ邏吶↓縺ィ縺ヲ繧ゅh縺�險倅コ九′謗イ霈峨&繧後※縺�縺溘�ョ縺ァ縺皮エケ莉九@縺溘>縲ゅ%縺ョ險倅コ九�ョ遲�閠�繝ゥ繧キ繝ァ繝�繝峨�サ繧ェ繝ェ繧ス繝ウ縺ッ縲∝酔邏吶�ョ�シイ�シ��シ「繧ィ繝�繧」繧ソ繝シ縲�髻ウ讌ス隧戊ォ門ョカ縺ョ繧医≧縺ァ縲�騾ア荳�縺ョ繧ウ繝ゥ繝�繧呈嶌縺�縺ヲ縺�繧九�ゅい繝シ繧ォ繧、繝悶r隕九◆縺ィ縺薙m縲√¢縺」縺薙≧闊亥袖豺ア縺�險倅コ九r譖ク縺�縺ヲ縺�繧九�ョ縺ァ縲√%繧後°繧牙ョ壽悄逧�縺ォ隕九※縺�縺薙≧縺九↑縺ィ諤昴▲縺溘�� 繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ繝吶せ繝医↓縺、縺�縺ヲ縺ョ險倅コ九�ッ蜷檎エ呻シ抵シ撰シ撰シ門ケエ�シ俶怦�シ難シ第律莉倥¢縺ォ謗イ霈峨&繧後◆縲ゑシ井サ・荳九�ッ螟ァ諢擾シ� +++++ 繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ豈阪�∝、ァ縺阪↑蝟ェ螟ア縺ォ閠舌∴繧� 繝。繧「繝ェ繝シ繝サ繧「繧、繝�繝サ繝エ繧。繝ウ繝峨Ο繧ケ縺ォ縺ィ縺」縺ヲ縲√>縺セ縺�蛯キ縺ッ逋偵∴縺ェ縺�縲ゅ>縺九↓縺励※縺昴�ョ逞帙∩繧貞柱繧峨£繧後�ー縺�縺�縺ョ縺九�√◎縺ョ譁ケ豕輔�ッ繧上°繧峨↑縺�縲ょスシ螂ウ縺ォ縺�縺滂シ比ココ諱ッ蟄舌�ョ譛�蠕後�ョ諱ッ蟄舌r蝓玖速縺励※縺九i荳�蟷エ邨後▲縺ヲ繧ゅ�∵ッ崎ヲェ縺ッ諱ッ蟄舌�ョ髻ウ讌ス繧定�エ縺上%縺ィ縺後〒縺阪↑縺�縲� 縲後↑繧薙→縺玖�エ縺代k繧医≧縺ォ蟆代@縺壹▽縺九s縺後▲縺ヲ縺�繧九�ョ縲ゅ°縺、縺ヲ縺ッ縺セ縺」縺溘¥縺�繧√□縺」縺溘¢繧後←縲√◎縺ョ縺�縺。縺ェ繧薙→縺九�ュ縲阪�� 莉雁ケエ�シ假シ呈ュウ縺ォ縺ェ繧九Γ繧「繝ェ繝シ繝サ繝エ繧。繝ウ繝峨Ο繧ケ縺ッ縺溘a諱ッ繧偵▽縺�縺ヲ隱槭k縲ゅ�後◆縺セ縺溘∪縲√Λ繧ク繧ェ繧�繝�繝ャ繝薙°繧会シ医Ν繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ�シ蛾浹讌ス縺梧オ√l縺ヲ縺上k縺ィ縲√せ繧、繝�繝√r蛻�繧九o縲阪��莉雁屓縺ッ譁ー菴懊い繝ォ繝舌Β縺ョ繝励Ο繝「繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ縺ォ謇九r雋ク縺励※縺�繧九′縲∝叙譚先凾縺ォ縺ッ繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ隧ア縺励→蜷梧凾縺ォ邉門ーソ逞�縺ョ諱舌m縺励&縺ォ縺、縺�縺ヲ繧ゅ�∬ェ槭▲縺ヲ縺�繧九�ゅΝ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ辷カ繧ゑシ托シ呻シ包シ吝ケエ縲√Ν繝シ繧オ繝シ縺鯉シ俶ュウ縺ョ譎ゅ↓邉門ーソ逞�縺ァ莉也阜縺励※縺�繧九�ゅ�檎ァ√�ッ豈崎ヲェ縺ィ縺励※縺ゅ∪繧翫↓螟壹¥縺ョ繧ゅ�ョ繧貞、ア縺」縺ヲ縺阪∪縺励◆縲ゑシ比ココ縺ョ諱ッ蟄舌�ョ縺�縺。�シ謎ココ繧堤ウ門ーソ逞�縺ァ縲√◎縺励※縲√�イ縺ィ繧翫r蝟俶�ッ�シ医●繧薙◎縺擾シ峨〒莠。縺上@縺溘�ゅ%繧後∪縺ァ繧ょ、ァ縺阪↑逞帙∩繧呈─縺倥※縺阪∪縺励◆縲ゅ%繧後°繧峨b縲√◎縺�諢溘§繧九〒縺励g縺�縲� 繝。繧「繝ェ繝シ縺ッ莉雁ケエ縲�シ托シ台ココ縺�繧句ュォ縺ョ縺�縺。縺ョ縺イ縺ィ繧翫��シ難シ第ュウ縺ョ繝ャ繧、繝「繝ウ繧偵d縺ッ繧顔ウ門ーソ逞�縺ァ莠。縺上@縺ヲ縺�繧九�ゅ◎縺ョ縺溘a縲√%縺ョ逞�豌励∈縺ョ遏・隴倥r謖√■縲∝ッセ蜃ヲ縺吶k繧医≧縺ォ蠑キ縺丞匡繧√k縲� 繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ蛛・蠎キ蝠城。後↓縺、縺�縺ヲ豈阪�ッ隱槭j蜷医▲縺溘%縺ィ縺ッ縺ェ縺九▲縺溘→縺�縺�縲ゅΝ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ォ邉門ーソ逞�縺ョ蝠城。後′縺ゅk縺薙→繧堤衍縺」縺溘�ョ縺ッ縲�シ抵シ撰シ撰シ灘ケエ�シ疲怦�シ托シ匁律縲√Ν繝シ繧オ繝シ縺後ル繝・繝シ繝ィ繝シ繧ッ縺ョ閾ェ螳�繧「繝代�シ繝医〒蛟偵l縺滓凾縺ョ縺薙→縺�縺」縺溘�� 繝輔ぃ繝溘Μ繝シ縺溘■縺ッ繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ縺薙→繧定ヲェ縺励∩繧定セシ繧√※縲後Ο繝九�シ縲阪→蜻シ縺カ縲ゅ%繧後�ッ繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ繝溘ラ繝ォ繝阪�シ繝�縲後Ο繝ウ繧セ繝シ繝九�阪r遏ュ縺上@縺溘b縺ョ縺�縲ゅΟ繝九�シ縺ッ縲∬�ェ蛻�縺後ヤ繧「繝シ縺ォ蜃コ繧九→縺阪↓縲∬ヲェ謌壹◆縺。繧偵h縺城�」繧後※陦後▲縺溘�ら櫨縺」蟄舌�∝ァェ縺」蟄舌↑縺ゥ縺悟ュ蝉セ帙�ョ鬆�縲∝スシ繧峨�ョ縺翫@繧√r繧ケ繝�繝シ繧ク讓ェ繧�讌ス螻九〒螟峨∴縺ヲ縺�縺溘→縺�縺�縲� 繝。繧「繝ェ繝シ縺ッ繝ォ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ髻ウ讌ス繧定�エ縺�縺ヲ縺�繧九→蠕ョ隨代�縺後�√☆縺舌↓謔イ縺励∩縺瑚・イ縺」縺ヲ縺上k縺ィ縺�縺�縲ゅ◎縺励※豸吶′貅「繧後※縺阪※縲√◎縺ョ髻ウ讌ス繧呈ュ「繧√k縲ゅΝ繝シ繧オ繝シ縺ョ髻ウ讌ス縺ォ豈阪�ッ蟄、迢ャ諢滂シ医Ο繝ウ繝ェ繝阪せ�シ峨r諢溘§繧九→縺�縺�縲ゅ�御サ翫�∝スシ縺ョ髻ウ讌ス繧定�エ縺上→縺ィ縺ヲ繧ょソ�縺檎李繧�縲ら・樊ァ倥�√>縺、縺ォ縺ェ縺」縺溘i縲√%繧薙↑闍ヲ縺励∩繧堤オゅo繧峨○縺ヲ縺上l繧九�ョ縺九@繧峨→諤昴≧縲ゅ〒繧ゅ�√Ο繝九�シ縺ッ蠖シ縺ョ髻ウ讌ス縺ァ荳也阜荳ュ縺ョ莠コ縲�繧貞ケク縺帙↓縺励◆縺ョ繧医�ュ縲ゅ◎繧後′蠖シ縺ォ謗医¢繧峨l縺滓燕閭ス縺�縺」縺溘�ョ縺ュ縲� +++++ ENT>ARTIST>Vandross, Luther +++++ From the Baltimore Sun Luther's mother bears pain of great loss Originally published Aug 31, 2006
"I'm getting a little adjusted to listening," she says. "Before, I just couldn't do it. It's one day at a time." She's promoting The Ultimate Luther Vandross, a posthumous best-of collection with two previously unreleased songs. The album hit stores last week. "Shine," one of the new cuts on the 18-track set, was a surprise hit on adult-urban radio this summer. Vandross sighs. "Sometimes I'd run to the radio or the TV and turn it off when his music came on." In addition to promoting the CD, she is also raising awareness of diabetes, the disease that ultimately killed Luther and several other members of the family, including his father, who died in 1959 when the singer was 8 years old. "I've lost so much as a mother," says Vandross, 82. "I've lost four children, three to diabetes and one to asthma. I'm hurting, and I will always hurt somewhat." A recent survey overseen by Novo Nordisk, a health care company based in Princeton, N.J., found alarming educational, behavioral and attitudinal gaps about diabetes across three generations. In changing diet and exercise habits that could improve their health, young folks with the disease (ages 18 to 40) lag behind baby boomers (41 to 59) and seniors (60 and older). The survey, which evaluated nearly 2,000 people, revealed that seniors took better care of themselves -- exercised, ate more fruits and vegetables and regularly checked their blood glucose level -- by nearly 80 percent over the younger groups. The information hit home with Vandross, who recently lost yet another relative to complications from diabetes: Ramon, one of her 11 grandchildren. He was 31. "Diabetes is cruel and heartless," she says. "It doesn't care who it affects. If you can do anything about it, do it. Don't let it go through your family."Although throughout his 30-year career Luther's weight fluctuated drastically, he never discussed his health problems with his mother. She had no idea there were any serious issues until April 16, 2003, the day Luther suffered a debilitating stroke in his New York City apartment. "He never discussed his diabetes with me," says Vandross, a retired nurse. "I wonder why. I wonder what I could have done. The stroke was a rude awakening. As a mother, I wanted to do something." To work through the pain, she often reflects on the good times with Luther, whom the family called Roni, a shortened version of his middle name, Ronzoni. There were extravagant trips to the Caribbean, shopping sprees in Beverly Hills, lavish holiday dinners. Luther toured the globe often and usually brought along several relatives."He'd have his nephews when they were little, and he'd be backstage changing diapers right before a show," Vandross says, giggling. A lifelong bachelor dogged by gay rumors throughout his career, the singer, who was 54 when he died on July 1 of last year, never discussed such personal issues with his mother. "He was a very private man in some areas of his life," Vandross says. "If something was bothering him, he wouldn't share with me. I'd say, 'Roni, what's wrong? Let me worry for you.' He wouldn't share. He wanted to be grown and handle his own business." She says he always found solace in music. As a child, she could hardly pull him away from his Dionne Warwick and Aretha Franklin records. "He'd do what you told him to do," Vandross says. "He never gave me any problems. You know, none of my four children ever stood up and sassed me. If it was Roni's week to wash dishes, he'd do it. But he did it with those records playing. He learned to cook to music, and Roni was an exceptional cook. I taught both my sons to cook and clean like it's nobody's business." Though The Ultimate Luther Vandross doesn't trump the more extensive two-disc Essential collection Sony released last year, it succinctly sums up the singer-songwriter's career on Epic and J Records. "Shine," which heavily samples Chic's 1979 jam "My Forbidden Lover," is perhaps Luther's most exuberant dance cut since 1981's classic "Never Too Much." Vandross says the song brings on a smile, but then the sadness weighs on her; the tears start to flow and she turns the music off. "I've felt the loneliness," she says, her voice breaking. "To listen to the music now, it hurts. I'm serious in wondering, 'Lord, when will it stop hurting?' But Roni made so many people happy with his music. That was his gift." +++++
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